Our community's summer started with another loss of teen life to the hands of suicide. This young man, whose age is planted between that of my two youngest children, took his life last week, just as the emptiness of summer loomed. His loss of life is not lost on this mom-heart, and so here I am to say out loud what I hope others are feeling and thinking. These children are not a statistic to be tossed around as a hyperobject that is unattainable and unintelligible. These are our children who are hurting and suffering a sense of non-existence, non-purpose, non-importance, severe destitution, whatever you want to call it...they need us. I am not trying to pretend to know what could have helped this young man. I am sure and certain that his family and friends loved him dearly and wanted to spend the rest of their lives doing so...with him by their sides. I also do not pretend to understand their devastation. What I want is for those of us still walking this earth to understand and hold in our hearts the care and love of each individual we encounter.
No encounter is unimportant. No amount of time you spend with anyone is frivolous. I like to imagine that our hearts have invisible but energetic vibes that reach out to the hearts of others with unexplainable power and passion. I often tell people that I will be "sending positive vibes" when they have a challenge to face or when they are being called to live the mundanity of everyday life. My heart reaches out and connects in ways I don't always understand, but I know it happens because I can feel the energy being sent; the energy necessary to fuel all that my heart has to give. Your heart has the same power. We all do, so don't think you are immune, and please, don't keep it in! We need to connect and we need to care. Care for each other, care for our families, care for those we love and those we don't, care for the waitress, the cashier and the landscaper, everyone...E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E. with whom you share this journey. Your heart vibes can be the string of hope that someone needs. It's not unfathomable, its just a consequence of humanity.
This young man's family and friends have set up a "Go Fund Me' page that I would like to share with you. Their hope is to create a memorial bench in the lake community where Michael lived, where he spread his heart vibes and where his family will undoubtedly find him as they travel the rest of their lives without his physical presence, but carrying his heart vibes in theirs. Please consider joining me in helping them feel that we are "sending positive vibes" in this time of great loss.