Friday, March 22, 2019

In Our Spare Time

Where to begin...In My Spare Time is the title I gave to the only small business endeavor I ever attempted.  I was a mom of three children at the time, ages infant to 3.  I was accustomed to working two or three jobs at a time and so I was feeling as though I was not making enough of a difference in the world around me.  I was working part time for my church, running a toddler/parent group called "Adventures in Parenting", and truth be told, probably doing upwards of five other things on a regular basis, aside from parenting.  "In My Spare Time" was the epitome of misnomer and yet, clearly it was attempting to fill what I perceived as time that was not being well spent.  I began to advertise the painting of children's wood toy boxes, bedroom shelves and wall decorations.  The business never made me rich.  I was in the habit of giving items away since, when the time came to add up the hours spent creating, it was impossible to calculate how much of my time was spent painting since it happened in short bouts between feedings, naps and laundry.  Eventually the business side of In My Spare Time fizzled out, and I was left doing what I loved from the start; creating for children unique pieces that I hoped they would treasure for years, and giving them away as gifts from the heart.

The first In My Spare Time was just one attempt of mine to fill a void created when I decided to stay home and dedicate my time to raising my children.  I know now that the void did not originate in my heart, but instead was cultivated by a culture that, at times, devalues parental intention.  I wanted to be home with my children.  I wanted to be there for every scraped knee, first this and first that.  I didn't want to leave them in order to work outside of the home.  I just needed to find my value, my purpose, my intention.  In time, the waters have cleared.  Presently, as a teacher I am constantly reminded why I stayed home with my children all those young years.  I know that I lived those years, as I lived all the years prior, and I continue to live the years after; with intention, deliberate optimism and a passion that screams, "LIFE IS GOOD!!!"  "Watch me live it!"

And so, I'm so glad you are here.  Learn with me as I draw from my love and my passion and my intention.   Learn with me as my optimism causes me to get knocked around by life's inevitable blows and then helps me jump back up looking for the lesson I was meant to garner.  Teach me from your experience and sharing.  Life is amazing! Let's live it together with intention and purpose.  Let's explore together with optimism and joy.  Let's share...what we can, when we can...In Our Spare Time.