Sunday, November 24, 2019

Confronting the Flat Tires...You With Me?

One of the gifts of this writing endeavor has been watching and witnessing what others garner from the sharing of my thoughts and how the different pieces of each post affect people. To be sure, each post consists of several directions in which the reader can be taken, and when others comment to me either on here, on social media, by direct message or in person, I am often taken aback by the new perspective they bring into view. I welcome any and all comments and truly enjoy learning from what others have to say. This idea brings my mind to a conversation my daughter and I often have when she questions whether or not various authors of the classics ever truly intended to invite the interpretations that 'literature authorities' have instituted. We don't ever arrive at a definitive answer, but we are always amazed at how varying perspectives bring new insights to light.

The impetus for this post, however, is not the sharing of comments that have made their way to my inbox or airwaves. The reason I am writing this post is because of the comments that have yet to make their way; the comments that challenge and disagree. You see, as of yet, (this is post #49) no one has disagreed with me or challenged my points or thinking. No one has said, "I think you are wrong in your interpretation. I see it differently." And this makes me think that instead of staying within the comfort of like-minded people,  my words need to get out there and be more widespread. It's not that I want the strife, in fact I don't really like confrontation at all, but consider it this way...if a tire is flat, it effects the whole car, right? The next step, however is not to go and tend one of the tires that is working just fine, it's to change the affected tire.

Well the vehicle of education has some flat tires, and I know they are not reading my blog or I would have heard from them by now. At the end of an awesome morning of learning at #EdCampTIC a few weeks ago, the comment was made that those in attendance might not be the ones needing the messages we shared all morning. The organizer made the point, an invitation really, that we now need to go out and spread the word. You see, the "Echo Chamber" effect is two helps those who are wrong to perpetuate their ignorance, but it also keeps those with insight closed in and safe from controversy...neither is beneficial to the greater good. This summons is one that keeps ringing in my head and took root in my heart and it dares me to get out there and spread the word. Not only to those who will agree, but also to those who will most certainly feel contrary. What word, exactly?

Well...this should be said in all corners of our communities...

Teachers are amazing people who give of themselves on a daily basis. When we talk of proper wages for a teacher, no such thing exists. Teachers don't work 40 hour weeks, they work non-stop. There is no proper compensation for the time, effort, emotion and generosity of self that is 'teaching' and so we need to appreciate them for all they do.

or... how about this for our teachers and parents...

Until parents and teachers enter the playing field on the same team, our children will never reach their full potential. We need to stop judging and start seeing one another, not as adversaries but as peers. This means respecting one another, no gossip about one another and meeting each other face-to-face to discuss how to best help each child.

maybe even... this word should get out beyond our circle of like-minded peers...

If you are treating students and education like you did when you started teaching twenty years ago, fifteen years ago, ten years ago, or even just last year, because that is how it was always done, you are missing the priority in modern education...making true, meaningful and intimate relationships with students. And if you think it's not your job to get to know the students or enter into relationship with them, then perhaps you should not be in the teaching arena at all.

So, as I hit the button to publish Post #49, I do so with anticipation of the next milestone post and the ones to follow. I think it is time...time to get the word out of our comfortable little world of working tires to the land of flat tires; to the people in need of some new ideas and perspectives. I'm sure they have something to teach us as well, but we'll never know if we don't go find them. Let's get folks thinking in new ways about education, children and how we treat others. I'm glad you all have been here with me so far. Thank you for reading my mind for 49 soon as I hit the 'publish' button, #50 will be underway.  You sticking with me? I hope so!