Saturday, June 22, 2019

Pause: For the Time In-Between

If you are a reader who has been with me for a while you probably figure this post will be about the end of the school year and looking back at all the accomplishments you as an awesome teacher, parent or student achieved, noting what to keep and what to release before we are back to school in September.  

If you are reading this and you are close to my life and my family, you might assume that this post will be about endings as Max prepares for college, and figure you may as well just get the box of tissues right now.  

And if you are new here I'd like to first say, "Welcome!!!", and I'll bet you are thinking, "What the hell?  I don't think this writer has a point at all!"  And you, my friend, are absolutely right!  Kinda...

The Maccaroni Family is making it a point at this time, after school has ended and summer is just beginning, to have no point - to just be.  We are on the page left blank between chapters, the moment between boarding the plane and take-off, the split second between the cry for help and the jump to rescue; and this moment is crucial, imperative and necessary for us as a family embarking on a new chapter of "us".  We need to take it, embrace it, live it and use it well.

Now, if you are still lamenting that I have no point, open your mind to seeing a piece of life that is all too often neglected.  This in-between moment is rarely given the attention necessary to properly employ it as a portal to all other aspects of the journey ahead.  

Pause: This is a picture of Martha's mind at work...before her siblings chimed in...

No sooner was it up than her siblings started considering how they could make it fun(ny).  They considered putting their father's address as a "Possible Overnight Trip".  That had them laughing raucously.  Under "Things to Make or Do", they wanted to write, "Summer '19 To Do List".  Let that one sink in for a moment...yes, this is the crew I've been given. I take no credit or blame.  But you see what I am dealing with here...they continued in this way, though not by writing on Martha's chart, but just cutting up, one funnier than the next.  It was an exercise in sibling teamwork and rivalry all wrapped up in one glorious moment of "I get you".  Without them realizing it, it was them taking that breath between bouncing on the diving board and jumping in.  And it will be treasured in my heart all summer long as we march toward a family chapter that is unlike anything we have lived through as a unit before.

The chart is now filling up with great ideas, dreams and hopes.  My children are taking the time between the hectic school year and the abyss of summer hours, to stop, think and breathe.  I've always lamented that life has no pause button.  I could have used one this past week between graduations, grades and reports...Well, these in-between moments are pause buttons.  We may not get to decide where they are placed, but they are built in where we need them most.  

So I implore you now to take time to pause before opening the next chapter. Think about what you hope it holds, what you wish will happen, what you need to do to make those hopes and wishes come true, and what you need to do to make it the best chapter of your life so far.  I honestly cannot imagine how my life can get any better than it has been these past years as my children and I enjoyed being in the same school system together sharing every aspect, good and bad. But I am pausing now to figure out my role before we jump into this new chapter together. I am considering what twists and turns the next chapter might present.  I am looking at the characters and wondering how they will be scripted to change, develop, conquer and grow.  I am both scared and excited to see where it takes us. This pause time is a beautiful gift that, when used properly, commits to our heart all our memories, hopes and dreams we need in order to live life like we mean it. I will take it and cherish it. After all, how else will I be able to be all the mom I am called to be as I help fulfill all the deep and meaningful hopes my children have written so far on the "Summer '19 Things to Make or Do" list?  
Gotta Love the Maccaroni Crew!